From Our ALTs and International Culture Course
【国際文化】中国語スピーチコンテスト大使館賞(Chinese Speech Contest Embassy Priz)
On 20 October (Sun), Ms Tsukino Matsuyama from Year 2 Class 8 of the International Culture Department, who participated in the speech category at the 45th Chinese speech contest organised by the NPO Saitama Japan-China Friendship Association, won the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Japan Prize.
In her speech, Ms Matsuyama explained that, as the catchphrase ‘Every day is an international exchange’, she is learning various languages and cultures while being stimulated every day at the Department of International Culture, and also shared her own thoughts on the friendly relations between Japan and China built up by her predecessors through old Chinese documents called ‘Guangyin’ and ‘Yinjing’ introduced in the class. The students also gave speeches on their own ideas about the friendly relations between Japan and China built up by their predecessors through the old Chinese documents ‘Guangyin’ and ‘Yinjing’ introduced in class.
During the critique, one of the judges commented: 'I was surprised that the contestant could pronounce the language so well after only six months of study and without any experience of studying abroad. In addition, the content of the speech on 'rhyming mirrors', which is difficult to understand even for Chinese people, was explained in an easy to understand and detailed manner, and I am very excited about her future.
令和6年度 海外授業体験学習結団式(最終説明会)
令和6年度 国際文化科・国際交流の実績や写真を更新しました。
令和6年度 国際文化科・国際交流の実績や写真を更新しました。
第57回高英研主催の英作文コンテストに本校から5名(1年3名 、2年2名)の生徒が参加しました。
残念ながら受賞することは出来ませんでしたが、 レベルの高い英作文に挑戦するいい機会になったと思います。 また講演会の内容も英語学習に関するもので、 参加した生徒は一層英語のモチベーションを上げることができました。
①私は今回英作文コンテストに出場してみて、 自分の実力に唖然としました。 普段から英語を書いたり読んだりしなかったのでとても難しい挑戦 でした。また、 自分が知らない英単語に訳せなけれでならないのに伝えたいことが 上手く書けず、今でももどかしさが残っています。 この貴重な経験を糧にして今後も「楽しく」 英語を勉強していきたいと思います。
② This is my first time to participate in an English composition contest.
To be honest, at fint I was worried about whether I could wite that many English compositions and whether I could de able to finish in time.
On the day of the event, I was able to write well and exceed the target number of words within the time frame.
It was a wonderful opportunity for me to hear from the instructor after the exam and for my English skills. So I am happy to have participated in this English composition contest.
Finnish International Students Excursion Notes!!
Hakkeijima Sea Paradise on akvaario, joka sijaitsee Yokohamassa. Iwatuskin Lukio kävi siellä retkellä 2.5.2022. Retki oli mahtava kokemus ja ylitti kaikki odotukset! Akvaario oli todella kaunis ja eläimet siellä upeita. Koko retki oli järjestetty todella hyvin ja tästä retkestä pystyi nauttimaan koko sydämestä. Aikaa kaikkeen oli varattu riittävästi, joten akvaariosta ja Hakkeijiman muista asioista ehti nauttia. Hakkeijimassa oli myös muutamia huvipuistolaitteita, kuten viikinkilaiva ja vuoristorata. Eläimien kuten jääkarhun näkeminen akvaariossa oli kokemus jota ei unohda. Puistoa kierrettiin ympäri yhdessä luokkakavereiden kanssa jaetuissa ryhmissä. Päivä oli rentouttava ja hauska. Hakkeijiman retki oli kokemus joka ylitti kaikki villeimmätkin odotukset ja tarjosi unohtumattoman elämyksen. Kiitos siitä!!
English translation
Hakkeijima Sea Paradise is an aquarium which is located in Yokohama. Iwatuski High School went there for a school trip on 2.5.2022. This trip was an amazing experience and it exceeded all expectations. The aquarium was pretty and the animals there amazing. The whole trip was organized very well which made the trip even more enjoyable. There was a lot of time to see the aquarium and enjoy other things around Hakkeijima. There were also a couple of amusement park equipment like roller coaster and a Viking ship. Seeing animals like polar bear is a unique experience that can’t be forgotten easily. The park was experienced with groups which were decided at school. The day was relaxing and fun. The trip to Hakkeijima was amazing and it exceeded even all the wildest expectations and offered an unforgettable experience. Thank You for that!!
Ala-Nikkola Emma